Friday, September 30, 2011


     I'm going to give my opinion about facebook and tuenti. I think that both are very good to comunicate with people that you can't see, or that you have to say something that you can´t say in the street, or only to see the life of other people.

I think that both have disadventages because other people that you don´t know who they are, they can see all that you write, or how do you feel, or also they can see your photos.

In my personal opinion, tuenti is better, first because I use usually tuenti and for me is easier than facebook to use. For me  is important to use one of them minimum, because  is important to meet other people of other countries. So I think that you have to take part in one of them!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hello, I´m Ibon Arteaga and I'm 15, I study at "Laskorain ikastola". My hobbys are football and listen music.